Friday, June 27, 2008

Global Warming et al

Saw this article this morning. Pretty interesting huh? Then I saw this slide show. What exactly is up I wonder?

One of my professors thinks we are just being ego-centric. That we just want the Earth to stay the way WE want it. The Earth goes through changes every millenia or so anyway (Ice Age, the meltdown of the ice age....we've all seen the movies) so why are we so bothered. yeah we'll be wiped out but so what? The dinosaurs went quietly why cant we? In a way, he's kinda right. Like all those vampire movies abt turning the whole human race into vamps. I'm like if we're ALL going to be vampires then who cares? Just go with the flow damn it! Or aliens taking over our bodies. If we are no longer aware after the "obliteration" why bother? this is also the reason i cant keep my mouth shut about things. As far as I can see, the worst thing that can be done to me is the annoyee (he he) kills me. If i'm dead, i dont know whats going on; then what? i talk.

i no now why i'll never be cast as the heroine to save the Earth. for me, as long as we wont be tortured or made into slaves, i mean, we're all just going to either disappear or get turned to vampires yeh? well then just bloody get on with it!


Chris Ogunlowo said...

I'm lovin' your blog.


Chris Ogunlowo said...

I'm answering your question with an emphatic YES!

Thanks for loving the Speech. Obama will be proud that u quote his speech ;)