Friday, June 27, 2008

Global Warming et al

Saw this article this morning. Pretty interesting huh? Then I saw this slide show. What exactly is up I wonder?

One of my professors thinks we are just being ego-centric. That we just want the Earth to stay the way WE want it. The Earth goes through changes every millenia or so anyway (Ice Age, the meltdown of the ice age....we've all seen the movies) so why are we so bothered. yeah we'll be wiped out but so what? The dinosaurs went quietly why cant we? In a way, he's kinda right. Like all those vampire movies abt turning the whole human race into vamps. I'm like if we're ALL going to be vampires then who cares? Just go with the flow damn it! Or aliens taking over our bodies. If we are no longer aware after the "obliteration" why bother? this is also the reason i cant keep my mouth shut about things. As far as I can see, the worst thing that can be done to me is the annoyee (he he) kills me. If i'm dead, i dont know whats going on; then what? i talk.

i no now why i'll never be cast as the heroine to save the Earth. for me, as long as we wont be tortured or made into slaves, i mean, we're all just going to either disappear or get turned to vampires yeh? well then just bloody get on with it!

Friday, June 20, 2008

My Wish List

Now one of the things I have never agreed with is this "registering thing". You know what I'm talking about? People register their weddings, house warming, and baby showers and now even BIRTHDAYS! Then they give you an approved list of what they expect you to buy them. I do not approve of this at all, I mean whatever happened to the surprise and anticipation of opening up a present? Or the appeal to your creativity to come up with an original, guaranteed-to-be-well-received gift.

However, there might be something to this thing. The stars have been pointing to it. I mean, how else would you explain that the new and improved iPhone comes out on my birthday this year? As does Hellboy II AND the 1st 3-D movie Journey to the Center of the Earth!! I tell you its heaven sent!

So, in honor of these fortuitous signs, I present you my wishlist:

1. the brand spanking new iPhone, i'm not greedy, the 8 GB one will do
2. for the anti-apple peeps (like me..... in another life) you could get me the NOKIA 81 8 GB
3. Bang and Olufsen stereo and speakers. GOD they're sexy!
ok the next few stuff are a bit dorky but hey its MY wish list!
4. the complete arabian nights
5. agatha christie collection
6. the ENTIRE alfred hitchcock collection......that guy was the ultimate!
7. the bond collection; nuff said
9. ok, another dorky addition: the complete works of shakespeare. no not the single book, have that already, i want the plays in their own books and then the sonnets
10. oooooh then i want ALL the charles dickens books!
11. of course, SIGNED copies of ALL stephen kings
12. see that purty picture up there?....hey its a WISH list. i'm allowed to dream!
13. i want a world tour. nothing big, just give me enough money to fly, sail, walk, train, bus at the cheapest rate around the world with extra money for my souvenirs :D
14. race car driving lessons
15. oh what the heck: SURPRISE ME! nothing beats that in my book! :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Strictly For The Guys (ok, the girls can peek too)

Read this post on MSN, thought I should share it. I really want responses. Trying to figure something out.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust

First, HAPPY JUNE 12!!! :)

I'm sure by now Nigerians the worlds over have heard the good news: Adedibu is dead. Another so called untouchable has succumbed to the ultimate power. For those of us old enough (ha ha) to remember 1999 when in this same month,....and around this same time...the seemingly unstoppable Abacha also went down. Oddly in the same way, they died. I mean they DIED. Adedibu the tyrant holding Ibadan ransom, the tout of touts and Abacha the dictator who magnanimously decided to allow a democratic election....then put only himself on the ballot. They went quietly on their beds. No bombs, no grassy knoll, no theater balcony (hey i loved those guys, just using these for effect :D). The Lord above smote them when he was good and ready. And in a way that reminds us all who the REAL boss is. When these things happen, I take such comfort. Its such a reminder (albeit a bit gruesome) that there IS a God. No matter what the people say. He IS there and he IS aware. No one is above him. This isnt a speech or a sermon. I'm too much of sinner to be the one doing that, but for the politicians in my home: Make una watch ur step! Baba God Eledumare wa no dey doze, him dey see o. So behave!

O and may i use this avenue to inform my people of my intention to run for president 2015...or maybe 2019 not sure yet. will let you know sha :D

No Less of a Woman

A bunch of my friends are preparing to get married this year. Of course, now that they have found their "one" they have taken it upon themselves to ask me constantly "so when are you getting married?" "how far with that guy?". I have been admonished to hurry up and move from my small town to a bigger city where the .....ahem....." prospects" are better. "You're not growing any younger you know" My mom called me in the middle of the night to tell me to not continue with my PhD. "Men will run away from you" she says.

Then there are those who are married but no kid yet . Apparently that too is a crime (the annoyance never ends does it?). "Where are my grandchildren?" "Your husband needs a son fast before he starts looking outside" What brings this on? Well, I thought this was an african thing. In the US, people just get dogs and they're happy. Then I watched this video and hey! we are not alone! apparently its universal. So enjoy......

Which brings me to another (utterly random) point, isnt it annoying how people subtitle when it is ENGLISH being spoken? A funny/different accent does not another language make.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Life as a Couple

Just read this post on Slate. pretty interesting. Personally, I love me my space. One of the reasons I know I am not getting married is because I'm not sure I could stand to be around a single human for that long. A boyfriend is fine. At least you can kick him out, or refuse to answer the door. i remember, I had these friends whose house I could spend days in and they would mind. When I was tired of seeing my (then) boyfriend I'd just go there. he had no idea where they lived so......... :)

Anywho this was an interesting experiment. What do y'all think?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Mummy!!

Today is my mummy's birthday. She's turning.....OLD!!! but anyone who knows her knows she's a veritable baaaaaaaaaaaabe! I hope I got her genes :) altho my dad is pretty hot himself. God we're all getting old. my dad's almost 60 can u imagine. and mi madre.....well. women dont give out thier age yeh. so mum's the word (...did any1 else find that ironic)

Anyway. this post is just to commemorate my mummy's birthday.

Ma mere, buenos cumpleanos nne amore emi a se opo re o! insha allah


I may be setting women back 1000 years, but would Hilary Clinton just shut up! My boo Barack Obama has enough delegates to win the nomination. he has been accepted as the Democratic candidate but Hilary insists on going on with her campaign. Her not giving up the fight is cute, but what the hell man? Your husband was there for 8 years, you've been senator, visited with the Ay-rabs, been shot at (oops I just "mispoke"....) so what the hell more does she want?

Her argument is that if it had been a man, no one would have batted an eyelid at her insistence on remaining in the race. But seriously? Seriously Hilary! During her husband's terms, I adored her. She stood for what I wanted for women: strength, ambition, focus, determination. But during this presidential race, her clay feet infected the rest of her. She was arrogant, down right bitchy, whiny,.......she turned into every chauvinistic pig's proof of why women should remain barefoot and pregnant. her dirty tactics, nasty comments, complaints 'no one pays attention to me" and the final straw last week when she pulled out the sex card. in this day and age when women are trying to throw out gender. asking 2 b treated as equals. she complains she is being ignored because she is a woman. yeah right! so when in the beginning during the debates when obama was being passed over and the focus was on her and her fellow "more experienced" (emphasis on the quotes) white cronies it would've been ok to pull the race card yeh? but he didnt. he could've. would've gotten away with it too. but he didnt. he just allowed his eloquence and presence do its job. yeah i'm biased, the man gives a mean speech. i would've loved to have a woman president. but i am proud to say that my island (yay!) has a female head of state for abt 10 yrs and she was well respected in the Caribbean. there were even rumors she n Reagan had a thing. in addition, india, england (!!!), pakistan (i think?) and guess what an AFRICAN country have had female leaders. but not in the history of the entire WORLD have we had a black head of state in a notoriously racist country that has "repented" ;) south africa doesnt count cuz whites are a minority there (how they ever achieved apartheid for so long i will never understand....but thats a rant for another post). if america can do it....well then i know the deaths of the freedom marchers, the black panthers, the lynch victims, malcolm x ......they were not in vain.

anyway, someone PLEASE tell hilary to go and take care of her husband (o boy,....i did it again didnt i? thats like another 1000 years back huh?)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Decision 2008!

So my secret lover won the Democratic nomination! I am ecstatic. We have bets on how long he will last before the white people realise what they are in for and take him out.......ok that was a bit racist. But seriously, history has been made. A black man/person has arrived where no black had ever dreamt to be. Marin Luther King FINALLY did not die in vain. Yeah yeah there are people out there who will point out how offensive that statement is but whatever. I calls 'em as I sees 'em. As far as I am concerned black people have a really looooooooooooooooong way to go still. Has anyone watched BET? There is nothing uplifting or showing black people as literate college going people with brains. That idiotic reality show College Hill as done nothing but prove to white people that even with a passable college education, black people are still only a little above animals (just a little, not much!) and then the "The Way It Is" that ghetto-ass reality show following that scrobogee Keyshia Cole. Good heavens, accidentally stopping on that show while channel surfing is guaranteed to drop your IQ by at least 100 points! Yeah I am a bit of snob. I truly believe education of ANY sort is the way to go. All these basketball players and musicians. they open their mouth, and you're begging them to shut up. Turning their game around 360 degrees my rump! It's no wonder Mrs Bush Sr could say what she said and still stand by it
Anyway, back to my main point: OBAMA WON!!! YAY!! YIPEE!!! WOOHOO!! In your face Hilary! Ha ha. The question now is, can he beat McCain? I truly truly hope so. I want our love child to be able to live in the White House ;) Go Obama. I got your back!

OBAMA 2008-2016. Make it happen people. Change the history books. SAY IT LOUD!! ROCK THE VOTE!!!

ps: isnt it cool that ALL college-educated peopleblack white or "other" are OBAMA supporters? and that white, blue-collar (did i hear KKK??) voters are fiercely anti-Obama? hmmmmmm........

Monday, June 2, 2008


i'm fat somebody help me! my tummy is the same size as a 3-month foetus and it jiggles. is anyone a diehard simpsons fan? there was this episode where homer gets a heart attack. he goes to the hospital and the doctor pokes his belly to determine how much fat he's carrying. the stomach to move and homer goes "Woohoo look at the blubber fly!". and stomach keeps going........and going.......

thats how i feel about my tummy :( i no its nt good to carry weight around your midrif, but what the hell am i supposed to do? stomach fat is the hardest to lose. and i am so bloody lazy i hate .......ABHOR exercise. it bores the heck out of me. i have cut dwn on food. i no longer eat ice cream, none of my cakes :( and definitely none of that crappy fast food. no pizza. no (sob!) cheesecake. i'm even trying to learn to eat (barf) vegetables and salads. GOAT FOOD god whyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I am thankful

i love watching reruns. i adore those shows from the 70s and 80s and i love cold case especially episodes where the murder was committed in like the 30 or 40s. thing is, these flashbacks into the world back then make me more and more grateful for the world into which i was born. i am black AND female plus a tomboy who'd rather wear jeans n a baseball cap (i havent worn makeup close to a year now.....keep forgetting to he he) and yet i have NEVER suffered persecution. well, yeah i've heard the most sexist statements ever. n there is no question that there are some insane ignorant white people out there not to mention the simpering old biddies who think "girls" should be "girls". But thats by the way. Society has never stopped me from doing what i want. i've never been prevented from sitting in restaurant because i was black. made to use a different bathroom, drink from another faucet. i can be a doctor, engineer..... anything i want no one cares that i wear a bra n bleed 5 days out of the month. it is who i am that matters. not how i look or what demographic i fit into.

i'm not saying the struggle is over. far from it! i face them everyday. but we tend to forget how truly far we have come as blacks as women. once in a while lets look back and smile and be proud of what we have managed to accomplish. well not we we ........o u no what i mean!

Aluta continua!

Happy Mother's Day: The Video

remember that video i posted on mother's day no one could view? finaly figured it out! i'm getting better at this blog thing everyday :)