Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is there anyone out there looking around and coming to terms with the fact that out of all their friends, their life sucks the most? As in you have accomplished the least, come the least furthest since you parted ways. Have very little to boast of? ....or am i the only 1?

And don't tell me to stop feeling sorry for myself, if there is one thing I am it is honest with myself. And trust me, I love and adore God and His hand in my life is permanently obvious. But seriously though, is anyone else out there the underachiever of their clique?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Daniel Powter - Bad Day

This week has shaped up to be the most awful I have had in a long time. My boo is out of commission, have to send him in for repairs (sniff sniff). My insurance company reduced me to tears last night. Today, I came home to meet a notice of pending eviction from my apartment complex for something I am not even guilty of. To top it off I'm not sure my job is as secure as I first thought. I am barely getting any more than 4 hours of sleep a night and I never feel like I am getting anything done despite this.

On the flipside, I left a prime parking spot to run some errands and came to meet it still empty. Plus, I got all the Buffy series on sale. Hey as bad as this week has been I gotta grasp at straws!!

And how has YOUR week been?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cup of Water

my father always told me: when you are angry, before you react drink a large cup of water. if you are still angry when you are done, go for it!"

....oh if only i had listened to him (sniff sniff).

on friday, while working on my laptop and working on pentup frustration with a week of very little sleep, i slammed my fist into my beautiful beautiful laptop. now, it wont start-up. flat out refuses to work. i'm very depressed right now.

i need a hug :(