Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Aftermath

still seething from NOT receiving the xmas eve call from freak...........(HINT! HINT!)

christmas day was interesting. NOTHING HAPPENED!! got into a huge dramatic fight on xmas eve. was very unhappy, drove for 12 hours straight then slept well into christmas morning. called friends, had a laugh, was called by family, chatted with people, found a very very old friend.

so now its almost new year's eve. 2009 approaceth. unstoppable in its onslaught and i am scared shitless. Literally. (I have been taking laxatives the last couple days......).

well, here's to a rocking 2009 for all of us. may we all move on to bigger and better things! AMEN!! know one day God is going to get tired of my griping and just smite me with like boils or something............ah well

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


This brief post is dedicated to those of us who watched "Face Off" a thousand times.

The Cleveland Clinic has just reported the very first complete face transplant. A woman in Ohio has been given a new lease on life. She apparently did not like the face she had been born with and after years of "suffering" was able to get a team of surgeons to do the op. The operation is still very dangerous and there are a lot of ethics issues they are still having worked out........Anyway, thats besides the point, all that matters is: IT WORKS IT WORKS! Once again life imitates art and there we were thinking that after Star Trek that didn't happen anymore........

The 2008 ME Awards

Since I am a chronic "follow-follow" and have no mind of my own (and thus cannot come up with original blog posts) here is my own version.........


Worst Movie
: God is there space for that here? i'm just going to close my eyes and pick one at random......ok lets see here.........................sigh imma have to go with Hancock just cuz of the cheesy ass twist 2 a potentially awesome movie

Second Best
: Iron Man cuz you know who has to be number one yeh?

Best movie: The Dark Knight. the gagdets in both these movies (IM, TDK) were INSANE; the explanations had me feverishly writing it all down muttering is it twuly twuly twue?? (hey i'm GEEK ok.....). i'm looking forward to being called upon to pull my own magic trick he he he


Worst Meal/Snack
: nacho chips and quesadilla (yeech!)

Second Bes
t: Cheddar's croissants (they practically melt in your mouth)

Best Meal
: the food at this Chinese restaurant in Port Harcourt near Woji. cant for the life of me remember the name. you could get drunk off the food so good!

Best Snack
: Big Treat, Happy Bite (pure heaven)

Honorable Mention: Ghana High Commission and LOP in Agbowo


Worst Drink
: cranberry juice. the person who decided cranberries should be squeezed for juice should be SHOT!

Second Best
: NAKED smoothies any flavour even the green one!

Best Drink
: IHOP has got this drink: orange juice, strawberry, ginger ale and sprite with bits of strawberry at the bottom. so tangy so good! oooh and during my undergrad my signature drink was a mix of maltina, coke, fanta, sprite, ginger ale, bitter lemon......and schwepes muy delicioso


Worst Song: those village wannabes ruining the naija music biz

Second Best
: so many to choose from; i refuse to choose!

Best Song: Call me sentimental but "Ololufe' by Wande Coal gets me every time :)


Worst Moment: Tuesday December 16, 2008 circa 3:15 pm

Second Best
: got a call for a job that i hadnt even finished applying then getting the job before that day ran out......(priceless)

Best Moment: still working on it.........


Worst Kit/Accessory
: i have developed a memory block that helps me forget the worst of my fashion gaffes :D

Second Best
: my sexy ass leather laptop/messenger bag (balling baby!

Best Kit/Accessory
: my nationality bracelets i guess. i'm from a lot of places so i wear bracelets with flags for each one i lay claim to (jeez by now , if u havent figured out i'm weird you're reeeeeaaaaaly slooooooow........)


Worst Toy: I love ALL my toys. ALL OF THEM!!!!! ...........ok ok my stupid wireless n router that wigs out on me at the worst possible time

Second Best: The iPod Touch (still new but loving it. Thank you psicho thank you Merj) and my PSP slim

Best Toy: my gorgeous 1080p BRAVIA with my 5.1 home theater system with wireless speakers


Most Difficult Person
: MY MOM AAAARGH (she wants me barefoot and pregnant; thinks PhD is a waste of time. if you agree with her put your name next to hers!!!!)

Second Best
: my support group sam, liliane, psicho, freak, irums, tosyn love you die!!!

Best Person
: J-E-S-U-S baby there is no other way I can account for what I can boast of today 'cept some1 up there truly loves me


By another blogger
: sigh maybe this one i guess

Written by me
: i'm going to have say this one. succinct and so to the point!


Worst Lesson: i suck at picking guys

Second Best
: meeting deadlines (still working on it but getting better every day)

Best Lesson/Skill: standing up for and defending my dreams (still working on actually following through with them though...... WATCH OUT 2009!!)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gee whiz, its Christmas!

so the holidays approacheth and i am still stuck getting up before the Sun to drive to work. to make matters worse i live in an area i once thought to be correct....until i realised that everyone agrees with my sentiment, especially around Christmas so a 5 minute drive down my street to buy something turns to 20 because of the sheer number of people "enjoying" all my street has to offer.

i had been planing to spend Christmas with friends but no money so i decided to do the whole Christmas thing. you know, tree, decorations, lights, the whole shi-bang. then i realised that it just wasn't in me to put snowmen and Santa Clauses or whatever the hell else they pass off these days as Christmas decorations.

so now i face the daunting prospect of facing Christmas alone. not that i haven't done this in the past. in fact, in past years i have revelled in the solitude. unfortunately, this year is different. things will be occurring in the weeks to come that i do not wish to face alone. and since i don't drink, i CRAVE some other form of distraction. there is some1 willing to spend that time with me but honestly, if i had to be stuck with him, you'll be attending my funeral.......or court case come January.....but that's a story for another blog post. (hey i gotta keep you coming back!)

thankfully, last night, i read my freak's blog. I'd been feeling bad lately cuz I'm accumulating too many gadgets but his post has made me all better. I'd been putting off purchasing any more gadgets but hell imma splurge this Christmas. getting myself (FINALLY!) the itouch AND the Zune......or maybe the 360 elite and the wii......haven't really figured out yet what will cheer me up and keep me busy through the holidays...........