Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gangster Squad

I'm not the mushy type. I don't do hugs, or any of that happiness crap. I am a gloomy person. Most of the time, my gadgets, music, books (and cake!!) are enough for me.
But sometimes, I like my friends. Yesterday was my day on the3six5ngproject. I talked about getting my nerd on with a fellow geek. Today, we went to watch Gangster Squad. Seeing as we went right after church, we were the only ones in the cinema. It was epic. We. Went. Nuts.
With no one around to judge us (or take incriminating pictures) we let loose. We screamed. Jumped around. Squealed. Finished cliche lines in loud voices. I found out today just how eerily alike we are. So much fun. Great day. Great day.
Hopefully she never reads this.....