Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mini Me

My girl Ottilia is ripping her adopted country a new one in her most recent post. Please read and reply. She will also be on eNews this Saturday at 10:30 am our time on Ch 420 on DSTV. Not exactly sure we get that channel over here, but if we do, be sure to tune in!

No, this isnt a shameless plug for my mini me. This is just a reminder of what and how we should all be feeling about this great continent of ours. Her post "Do you know who you love?" speaks of exactly how I feel about my country and my color and my race. Fierce patriotism is not an embarrassment or a thing to hide. I have friends who are fiercely loyal to Liverpool despite their sad performances and yet they are unable to garner just a fraction of that enthusiasm for their motherland/fatherland and heritage. Why is this? Despite our many faults and shortcomings, this land is OURS. And we should love and honor and cherish it. Many people wonder what you see in that man or woman or your wayward child. And yet you ignore what you see or has been said or thought. Turn your nose up and are like "those guys just don't see you the way I do". then you hold that one closer and keep hoping and praying and doing what you can to make it so everyone finally sees what it is you see.

Ok. My gen is complaining. I cant blog like I want to because I cannot remember how it is to enjoy electricity anymore. But oh well.....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Things Nigeria Has Taught Me To Never Take For Granted

1. hitting a light switch will turn on a light

2. 1 GB download takes 5 minutes or less

3. left over food goes in the refrigerator not the dustbin

4. that SONY power pack i bought from that "reputable" store is an original

5. there is ALWAYS cold water

6. i can drive out @ 10 pm for a late night snack and find somewhere open

7. wearing mid-thigh shorts and a tank top on a freakishly hot day will not raise eyebrows

8. customer service oriented companies like banks, restaurants and MTN actually practice customer service

9. customer services reps know better than to say to a customer "now how would you feel if i came to your business and shouted at you like that"

10. the manager of the MTN Ibadan office will get up and come out to placate an irate customer instead of sitting in his office and expecting you to come to him (yes! i have serious beef with MTN!)

11. fact that you are an intelligent accomplished woman rather than a ring on your left second finger is sufficient to get you the respect you deserve

12. your senators and other holders of public office need your vote so they actually attempt to do things to benefit the community

13. getting caught doing wrong is a bad thing. in other pays, CRIME DOESN'T PAY

14. that i can get up and work overnight without coming out to turn on the gen (after calculating if i can afford the required fuel of course)

15. that it wouldn't take me 3 weeks to put up this ONE blog post :(

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You

i wrote this eons ago. dunno why i only have it saved as a word draft. oh well. i'm impressed at my own writing hence the repost. enjoy........

Ok so I have developed this crush. well its just effing ridiculous!

over the past couple months, I have been spending a considerable amount of time thinking about him. Analyzing every phone call, every text. Dreaming about all the sweet things he would tell me and how that pause in that sentence so said that he was like so totally into me..........SIGH

.....then I went to the movies to watch "He's Just Not That Into You" and it hit me. Woman WTF are you doing? I swear that movie is so not getting the props it deserves. Now normally, I am NOT a chick flick person. The girls wanted to watch "Confessions of A Shopaholic" I left them to watch Watchmen (in IMAX no less). I'm raving about 30 days of night and 300 and the girls are talking know, whatever it is that girls like to watch.

So anyway, the movie, this crazy chick flick that has so much oestrogen that I strongly advice no guy to go watch it with a girl (heaven knows what may happen to you in that dark dark place) got me thinking. And I shamefully realised how much I was projecting. Sure I'd been warned severly about the error of my thinking, but hey I'm a girl. I HAVE to believe that I am that exception. You know the one that will "make him realise what true love is"....or something to that effect. I have always tried my hardest to be honest with myself. But I do slip, and this time I had slipped really badly. That movie set me straight. Yeah I still thought about him the rest of that day and the day after. But the following night, that movie helped me do what people who truly loved me and want the best for me couldn't quite get me to do; I boned. As in totally switched off. Of course, to help me out, I also deleted all texts, numbers, call lists everything. I am so proud of myself!

Man no be everything. Sure I'm gonna miss him a bit. He's a lot of fun, a great friend, and pretty soon I'd have weened myself off him and we'll be back to where we were. When I could admire his muscular chest and that oh so very scratchable back.........but only in the clinical way I've checked guys out for years. (Yes boys, I am one of those chicks who checks out your butt when you walk away he he)

Thank you Drew Barrymore and Greg Behrendt for that totally awesome movie. And girls, seriously go watch it and take a pen and paper with you......

PS: dang! this was my hundreth post! hmmm need to take more notice of these things......

Random Post

This is a means of jolting me back to blogging. so its reeeeaaaaally random.

I have a bb now. And I spend waaaay too much time on it. The qwerty keyboard has spoiled me and I fully expect that as I type my "i's", it will automatically become I and hitting space bar twice inserts a full stop and starts a new question see?

celibacy is not in my bb dictionary. hmmmmm.......

i have a new job which i dont like. the pay sucks and i stick out like a sore thumb among my colleagues. none of them get my jokes :(

i've finally listened to willow smith's "whip my hair" and i love it. yemzel says i should go watch the video. i will. eventually.

oh and i made friends. 2 new female friends. how scary is that? yemzel and ottilia. they're cool peoples.

Ottilia is a mini me. pretty soon she'll come to accept it.

i had a horrible weekend n i hope to improve on it this coming weekend. wish me luck?

i have a lot to blog about so i'm making a list. might actually get around to typing it. power has been annoyingly erratic around here for some weeks now. cant start a post i'm not likely to finish.

if anyone knows if there's a blackberry app for blogs lemme no! enjoy your week everyone!

ps: when i was mentioning new friends, forgot to add this "new" female. she isnt technically new. known her for a while, but we just recently became cool. she likes my blog. actually thinks i'm a good writer. since i've read something she wrote. which actually got published in a magazine! i'm terribly flattered. trying to convince her to start a blog. heeeeeey ziariz! :D