Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oh Obama!

So now there's a book out there revealing Obama as a clandestine Muslim drug addict who sits through tirades about plans for a black coup d'etat and nods and takes notes.

Apparently, this guy is riding high on his successful undermining of John Kerry's presidential bid in 2004. Already his new book which has a mouthful of a name I don't care to keep in my head, is No 1! on the New York Times bestseller list. Isn't it kind of sad? Especially considering that a similar book written by the liberals on John McCain didn't even hit anything much less a list. (and I don't think its because it was badly written). Oprah didn't even mention it. In addition, the author of this book is CONFIDENT of vast monetary sponsorship and endorsements.

Forget Obama for the moment. Yes I'm a die hard fan, and I am plotting to get rid of that cute wife of his (that space in his bed is MINE bitch!!). But lets take a step back. I'm black (DUH! right?) and I live in the south. So it is very disturbing that such an inflammatory book is actually SELLING. He has gotten tons of interviews and of course Fox News Network is lapping it all up. It is not about Obama anymore. Buying such a book and giving such a man the time of day says something about America. And its something I don't like to hear (or read....). For African women, I guess the female trumps the black dude, but for me its being black. I do not exaggerate when I tell you that in the little town where I live, there are places I wouldn't venture to once its dark. Not cuz I'm female, or because its not safe, but simply because I'm black.

Maybe I'm overreacting...........

Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Obama Fatigue"?

There is a new development in the election front. People are getting tired of hearing about Obama. Is that possible? I mean, you finally have a BLACK man doing all the stuff only the old white folks and their prim and proper wives did. So yeah, I guess people got overexcited and talked him to death. I don't think he is being taken seriously as a candidate. He's become like a toy and people are using him like the token black guy they started allowing in movies and sitcoms. O look Obama made a fist bump. Hey Obama is off to Hawaii. I don't blame McCain for slyly comparing him to Hilton and Speares (or was it Lohan????.....who cares!!). The man has been relegated to the kind of celebrity reserved for finding pictures of Katie Holmes' new hair cut (which is really cute by the way).

I am a die hard Obama fan, but I have to admit, its been ages I last heard about his political views. His plans for the nation? Is this like a reverse ploy by the media. "Hey we don't want a black president, but we cant say that in public. What to do......Hey! I know! Lets exhaust the issue. Make a big deal out of everything he does until everyone's sick of him. Then when he's talking about serious issues no one will listen!" We all know how short an average American's attention span is.......

So what to do? Ask the media to back off? Advise Obama to stay under the radar? I couldn't say. I cant vote so this is just a spectator sport for me. I think I KNOW black America needs a shining example. Its not right to make Obama the knight on the white horse, but right now he's the only educated black man black people might listen to. They've totally ostracized Cosby for telling them the truth (and I'm not very popular either to be honest....) and Jesse and Al just need to shut up. They're dummies with loud voices (empty barrels......).