Sunday, May 5, 2013

Apology To My Fans

I am going through stuff now which has turned me into a whiny emo. I really truly suck at writing so I only get on here when I really can't shut up about something. Unfortunately, twitter is 140 characters and blogger is.....
so yeah, my usual crazy spews are in the wind. and all i do these days is post sad entries about how i just wanna be loved.
well you know what, you will all just have to deal with it! i have decided to wallow in my self pity and you will all wallow in it with me damn you!!

dear God I need cake.....*staggers off*

The Naija Weight Loss Plan (s)Tres(s)

aaaaargh!!! i'm still faaaaaaat!!!

OK, i'm exaggerating. I have lost some weight. I now fit into these skinny jeans, and my once skinny jeans (as of  JANUARY no less!) is now something I can take off without unbuttoning. Sadly that isn't enough. My Buddha belly is still jiggling. Although, at least now it jiggles. Used to be massive and rock hard. I would go days without pooping. Now that I've cut out bread (sweet, hot, soft, fresh bread *bites fist*), I do the morning doodoo like everyday. Honestly feels goods.

I haven't been hitting the gym everyday like before because of work, but I've added basketball to my repertoire. Played my first game today. I'm happy to say, I feel that sweet ache. It's not as awesome as after dojo back in the day, but my muscles definitely worked today!

Still need to make time for the gym though. My arms are horrible jiggly. I climbed a famous hill in my home town this past Thursday and the pictures I took were horrifying! I looked and whimpered "Are those really my arms? Nooooooooooo". You could barely see the awesome view behind me Damn you gelatinous arms.  *shakes fist. stares at upper arm in morbid fascination* Yeah, I can't live like this. Something must be done!

I've scheduled a basketball game for tomorrow morning. I have enough time to make aerobics class at 7 am then basketball at 9.

I walked away from a Cold Stone ice cream cake on Saturday.....only because I didn't have the money though. Treated myself to ice cream with Tobelerone crumbled into it today. Yeah....I'm placing the order for those cakes asap......