Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I may be setting women back 1000 years, but would Hilary Clinton just shut up! My boo Barack Obama has enough delegates to win the nomination. he has been accepted as the Democratic candidate but Hilary insists on going on with her campaign. Her not giving up the fight is cute, but what the hell man? Your husband was there for 8 years, you've been senator, visited with the Ay-rabs, been shot at (oops I just "mispoke"....) so what the hell more does she want?

Her argument is that if it had been a man, no one would have batted an eyelid at her insistence on remaining in the race. But seriously? Seriously Hilary! During her husband's terms, I adored her. She stood for what I wanted for women: strength, ambition, focus, determination. But during this presidential race, her clay feet infected the rest of her. She was arrogant, down right bitchy, whiny,.......she turned into every chauvinistic pig's proof of why women should remain barefoot and pregnant. her dirty tactics, nasty comments, complaints 'no one pays attention to me" and the final straw last week when she pulled out the sex card. in this day and age when women are trying to throw out gender. asking 2 b treated as equals. she complains she is being ignored because she is a woman. yeah right! so when in the beginning during the debates when obama was being passed over and the focus was on her and her fellow "more experienced" (emphasis on the quotes) white cronies it would've been ok to pull the race card yeh? but he didnt. he could've. would've gotten away with it too. but he didnt. he just allowed his eloquence and presence do its job. yeah i'm biased, the man gives a mean speech. i would've loved to have a woman president. but i am proud to say that my island (yay!) has a female head of state for abt 10 yrs and she was well respected in the Caribbean. there were even rumors she n Reagan had a thing. in addition, india, england (!!!), pakistan (i think?) and guess what an AFRICAN country have had female leaders. but not in the history of the entire WORLD have we had a black head of state in a notoriously racist country that has "repented" ;) south africa doesnt count cuz whites are a minority there (how they ever achieved apartheid for so long i will never understand....but thats a rant for another post). if america can do it....well then i know the deaths of the freedom marchers, the black panthers, the lynch victims, malcolm x ......they were not in vain.

anyway, someone PLEASE tell hilary to go and take care of her husband (o boy,....i did it again didnt i? thats like another 1000 years back huh?)

4 comments: said...

woman, go to bed already.

incoherent said...

look who's talking......bleh!!

Muse said...

WOMAN! you DO have on opinion on EVERYTHING! that's cute. couldn't help but laugh out loud when i was reading your post. btw the two of us, i share your sentiments. lol.

incoherent said...

@ muse he he. i'm trying to curb my mouth. but some pple just BEG for it. anyway, thats y i have a blog so i dont insult anymore people in real life. ha ha