Friday, June 6, 2008

Life as a Couple

Just read this post on Slate. pretty interesting. Personally, I love me my space. One of the reasons I know I am not getting married is because I'm not sure I could stand to be around a single human for that long. A boyfriend is fine. At least you can kick him out, or refuse to answer the door. i remember, I had these friends whose house I could spend days in and they would mind. When I was tired of seeing my (then) boyfriend I'd just go there. he had no idea where they lived so......... :)

Anywho this was an interesting experiment. What do y'all think?


Andrew F. Alalade said...

It's not that bad.....that was how I used to feel before I met my wife. I could fancy a gal and wonder a month later, what I fancied in her?
But it all changed! So my dear, there's hope.

incoherent said...

i can only take your word for it. n i've never had a relationship that lasted less than 2 years so........

Tairebabs said...

If I had a slogan it would probably say RESPECT MY SPACE. As much as I love my friends and family, it is important for my sanity (lol) for me to have my space. My alone time. I usually use it to think and get my act together. My friends and family sometimes find it annoying but those who have known me longest respect it.