Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Things Nigeria Has Taught Me To Never Take For Granted

1. hitting a light switch will turn on a light

2. 1 GB download takes 5 minutes or less

3. left over food goes in the refrigerator not the dustbin

4. that SONY power pack i bought from that "reputable" store is an original

5. there is ALWAYS cold water

6. i can drive out @ 10 pm for a late night snack and find somewhere open

7. wearing mid-thigh shorts and a tank top on a freakishly hot day will not raise eyebrows

8. customer service oriented companies like banks, restaurants and MTN actually practice customer service

9. customer services reps know better than to say to a customer "now how would you feel if i came to your business and shouted at you like that"

10. the manager of the MTN Ibadan office will get up and come out to placate an irate customer instead of sitting in his office and expecting you to come to him (yes! i have serious beef with MTN!)

11. fact that you are an intelligent accomplished woman rather than a ring on your left second finger is sufficient to get you the respect you deserve

12. your senators and other holders of public office need your vote so they actually attempt to do things to benefit the community

13. getting caught doing wrong is a bad thing. in other pays, CRIME DOESN'T PAY

14. that i can get up and work overnight without coming out to turn on the gen (after calculating if i can afford the required fuel of course)

15. that it wouldn't take me 3 weeks to put up this ONE blog post :(


yami said...

Two Words: Drive Thru, A gazillion TV channels, making a movie reference without catching crickets, having things you ordered on line delivered to you house, policemen that pull you over because you were speeding(as opposed to taking a bribe and then hitting on you-yes this happened to me and he actually called)seat belt laws concerning kids. Maybe I should rethink my Two Words approach...

incoherent said...

@yami lmao! i think you should. but i'm glad someone feels me :( was abt to do a part 2 but i think u've got it pretty much covered

ManCee said...

See these people o!

title this the "Mis-education of Mis-inco"