Tuesday, November 2, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You

i wrote this eons ago. dunno why i only have it saved as a word draft. oh well. i'm impressed at my own writing hence the repost. enjoy........

Ok so I have developed this crush. well its just effing ridiculous!

over the past couple months, I have been spending a considerable amount of time thinking about him. Analyzing every phone call, every text. Dreaming about all the sweet things he would tell me and how that pause in that sentence so said that he was like so totally into me..........SIGH

.....then I went to the movies to watch "He's Just Not That Into You" and it hit me. Woman WTF are you doing? I swear that movie is so not getting the props it deserves. Now normally, I am NOT a chick flick person. The girls wanted to watch "Confessions of A Shopaholic" I left them to watch Watchmen (in IMAX no less). I'm raving about 30 days of night and 300 and the girls are talking about.....ummmm.....errrrrr.........you know, whatever it is that girls like to watch.

So anyway, the movie, this crazy chick flick that has so much oestrogen that I strongly advice no guy to go watch it with a girl (heaven knows what may happen to you in that dark dark place) got me thinking. And I shamefully realised how much I was projecting. Sure I'd been warned severly about the error of my thinking, but hey I'm a girl. I HAVE to believe that I am that exception. You know the one that will "make him realise what true love is"....or something to that effect. I have always tried my hardest to be honest with myself. But I do slip, and this time I had slipped really badly. That movie set me straight. Yeah I still thought about him the rest of that day and the day after. But the following night, that movie helped me do what people who truly loved me and want the best for me couldn't quite get me to do; I boned. As in totally switched off. Of course, to help me out, I also deleted all texts, numbers, call lists everything. I am so proud of myself!

Man no be everything. Sure I'm gonna miss him a bit. He's a lot of fun, a great friend, and pretty soon I'd have weened myself off him and we'll be back to where we were. When I could admire his muscular chest and that oh so very scratchable back.........but only in the clinical way I've checked guys out for years. (Yes boys, I am one of those chicks who checks out your butt when you walk away he he)

Thank you Drew Barrymore and Greg Behrendt for that totally awesome movie. And girls, seriously go watch it and take a pen and paper with you......

PS: dang! this was my hundreth post! hmmm need to take more notice of these things......


Anonymous said...


incoherent said...

@ anonymous you found me! more sharrrrraaaaaapppppps anticipated :)

Anonymous said...

Erm...anonymous is back--why have there been no new posts?

incoherent said...

sorry. posting this weekend!


SO FAB!!!!!!