Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Random Post

This is a means of jolting me back to blogging. so its reeeeaaaaally random.

I have a bb now. And I spend waaaay too much time on it. The qwerty keyboard has spoiled me and I fully expect that as I type my "i's", it will automatically become I and hitting space bar twice inserts a full stop and starts a new question see?

celibacy is not in my bb dictionary. hmmmmm.......

i have a new job which i dont like. the pay sucks and i stick out like a sore thumb among my colleagues. none of them get my jokes :(

i've finally listened to willow smith's "whip my hair" and i love it. yemzel says i should go watch the video. i will. eventually.

oh and i made friends. 2 new female friends. how scary is that? yemzel and ottilia. they're cool peoples.

Ottilia is a mini me. pretty soon she'll come to accept it.

i had a horrible weekend n i hope to improve on it this coming weekend. wish me luck?

i have a lot to blog about so i'm making a list. might actually get around to typing it. power has been annoyingly erratic around here for some weeks now. cant start a post i'm not likely to finish.

if anyone knows if there's a blackberry app for blogs lemme no! enjoy your week everyone!

ps: when i was mentioning new friends, forgot to add this "new" female. she isnt technically new. known her for a while, but we just recently became cool. she likes my blog. actually thinks i'm a good writer. since i've read something she wrote. which actually got published in a magazine! i'm terribly flattered. trying to convince her to start a blog. heeeeeey ziariz! :D


ziariz said...

so i am not a new friend, i am very pained....and hurt and upset..lol
anyways i am still expecting more posts. this is way too safe for me. No sexual escapades or things?lol

incoherent said...

drama drama:
1. no u dont count as a "new" friend. u r a rekindled relationship. was going to mention you actually.....

2. sorry abt the lack of sexual escapades :( will try to rectify that soon!