Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One Of Those Days

Its one of those day. Everyone has them. When you wake up and you're miserable. You look for a shoulder to cry on and no one seems to be there. You catalogue your life and cant put your finger on one achievement. You wonder why you're bothering. What exactly the point of anything is. Oh sure you laugh at the shows on TV. But as soon as the moment is over. You just wanna curl up. In the middle of your laugh you shut off the TV and want to cry. Even the soul music people put on in these moments are too damn cheerful for you. You just want silence. But not really. Because then you hear all those voices in your head. Those asking you what in the hell you think you're doing. Those reminding you that you haven't done shit in quite a few years. Those stupid ass bitches pointing out how alone you are. How you're here. On your blog. Because you can't think of a single soul willing to listen to what you have to say.

Yep, one of those days


Afrobabe said...

Do what I do on those days….I get home and put some noisy naija music on ( you know they are always loud) and dance my heart out…dance till you are tired…then call up a friend and gossip all you want!!! Usually works…

Some times it takes a whole tub of ice cream though…or a bottle of something…or sex…yeah sex is the very best!!!

incoherent said...

cant play music, have no home

no music, so cant dance either

have no friends (seriously)

the ice cream and cake no longer work

what is this "sex" you speak of?

Myne said...

Hello, just found your blog. Nice one.

Hope your days are better now. Update soon. Cheers and have a great week.

ManCee said...

Inco...you sure need some TLC.
Whateva you do...remember the naija in you...NIGERIANS NEVER COMMIT SUICIDE.

incoherent said...

yes mancee i'm staying off the ledge

Teresa said...

Hi. Was googling something and ended up at your blog. I really like your entries. They're realistic on life and raise subjects i can easily relate to.

Some days are a struggle, ive learnt to accept and just try to keep going. I hope you feel better.

incoherent said...

@ teresa: thank you :)