Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Unsung Hero

At some point, everyone blogs about their mom. How awesome she is and yadda yadda yadda. Don't get me wrong, i love my mother. that woman KNOWS things. when i'm in trouble it's eerie how she just "randomly" calls to "check if i'm ok". i'll wake up some mornings and a text is waiting for me about a bible verse. and when i look it up, its exactly what i was needing to hear at that point. but hey, that's why they're our mothers.

This post however, is about the other person. That scary dude in the shadows that our mothers threaten us with, using those ominous words "wait 'til your father gets home". Daddy. My daddy is awesome. I absolutely adore my father. while my mom just hasn't figured it out that i will NEVER say "i love you" and i cannot STAND to be touched and so hugs are a no-no, my father totally gets it. he knows that a punch to the shoulder is sufficient. he's not very vocal but that man is a ROCK. i have learned so much, i KNOW so much because of him. i decided i liked music, he bought a keyboard and paid for music lessons. i discovered languages, he got me french AND spanish tutors. even took the french classes with me so i'd have a buddy. we would travel every summer to somewhere new hence my love for traveling. i collected stamps and money; whenever my dad went on conferences he'd write me and put like a million different stamps on it for my collection. n he always over-bought currency so he had some for me when he got home. i owned a pc b4 there were color monitors even had those dot matrix printers from epson n best BELIEVE i got hooked up with the first windows! :)

then there's the he's so awesome no man could ever compare part. my daddy cooks. as in he COOKS. he goes to the market brings home groceries and makes the meanest stew! on saturdays, when in my house, we are required to spring clean, my father will tie a sheet toga style over his boxers pick up and broom and CLEAN. if my cousins or any boy came to stay, there was no "boys dont do house work crap". everyone was expected to pull their own weight. there was even one time my mom wasn't in town n our hair needed to be done. guess who stepped up to the plate! i carried that hair proudly until the hairdresser redid it (after calling everyone in the salon over and laughing her head off....stupid bitch).

then there's the strong silent support. i mess up. my mom goes into a blind panic. weeps. then runs to church. typical mom. daddy on the hand asks what your plan is. i table it. he makes it happen. you tell him what you need and its there.

it never ceases to surprise me how well my father knows me. my aloofness. my lack of affection towards any member of the family. my inability to share my emotions. my stupid pride that always makes me try to solve every problem all on my own. i'm going through some serious isht right now. and mehn despite the fact that i have kept quiet about it for over 3 months now, my father stepped in doing the little that he could do no questions asked. no yelling. no scolding. just a "why do you always keep things to urself for so long?"

the point of this whole post? men suck ASS. they really do. every day we hear stories about guys denying responsibility. fathers being all 'round jerks. shirking their duties. not being involved enough in their childrens' lives. just wanted to brag a little. about a truly awesome father. a man, who despite faults all humans have (and believe my daddy has his share!), is my hero. the sort of father my children had better have. the sort of parent i one day pray to become. we would never say this to each other daddy, although you at least show me but I LOVE YOU DADDY. hugs and kisses :)


Roc said...

Sounds like the sort of man loads of us can only aspire to be..

CaramelD said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww that's so lovely! I'm going a bit mushy (sorry)!

mizchif said...

It's so scary how my mu calls at some very strategic times. Infact there's times when i'm a little unstable and i'm likely to start weeping at the sound of her voice.

Dads really are unsung heroes most times. And yea, my dad rocks as well, just that unlike yours, he's an AMEBO and not silent at all, trust me. But i love him still!

Unknown said...

i love my dad

but right now i envy you
my dad is so different

wish i had a dad like yours se, i am just glad God saw it fit to give me a dad

(there were tears in my eyes after i finished reading this, say thanks to ur dad today)

some other dads out there are imperfect.

incoherent said...

awww thanks guys!

@roc naija: its not that hard! lol

@caramel: u r so girly!!

@mizchif sorry o! lol my dad has all girls he cant afford 2 talk we'll just gang up on him he he

@tisha i will!