Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gee whiz, its Christmas!

so the holidays approacheth and i am still stuck getting up before the Sun to drive to work. to make matters worse i live in an area i once thought to be correct....until i realised that everyone agrees with my sentiment, especially around Christmas so a 5 minute drive down my street to buy something turns to 20 because of the sheer number of people "enjoying" all my street has to offer.

i had been planing to spend Christmas with friends but no money so i decided to do the whole Christmas thing. you know, tree, decorations, lights, the whole shi-bang. then i realised that it just wasn't in me to put snowmen and Santa Clauses or whatever the hell else they pass off these days as Christmas decorations.

so now i face the daunting prospect of facing Christmas alone. not that i haven't done this in the past. in fact, in past years i have revelled in the solitude. unfortunately, this year is different. things will be occurring in the weeks to come that i do not wish to face alone. and since i don't drink, i CRAVE some other form of distraction. there is some1 willing to spend that time with me but honestly, if i had to be stuck with him, you'll be attending my funeral.......or court case come January.....but that's a story for another blog post. (hey i gotta keep you coming back!)

thankfully, last night, i read my freak's blog. I'd been feeling bad lately cuz I'm accumulating too many gadgets but his post has made me all better. I'd been putting off purchasing any more gadgets but hell imma splurge this Christmas. getting myself (FINALLY!) the itouch AND the Zune......or maybe the 360 elite and the wii......haven't really figured out yet what will cheer me up and keep me busy through the holidays...........


deola said...


Muse said...

...and were you in 9ja, you would have spent some part f the Christmas with Muse. Anyways, have a lovely holiday.

Freaksho said...

thats the spirit my lovely lady.kill em all, let God sort em out
we'll make it, you'll see. call you on xmas eve?