Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Aftermath

still seething from NOT receiving the xmas eve call from freak...........(HINT! HINT!)

christmas day was interesting. NOTHING HAPPENED!! got into a huge dramatic fight on xmas eve. was very unhappy, drove for 12 hours straight then slept well into christmas morning. called friends, had a laugh, was called by family, chatted with people, found a very very old friend.

so now its almost new year's eve. 2009 approaceth. unstoppable in its onslaught and i am scared shitless. Literally. (I have been taking laxatives the last couple days......).

well, here's to a rocking 2009 for all of us. may we all move on to bigger and better things! AMEN!! know one day God is going to get tired of my griping and just smite me with like boils or something............ah well


Emeka Amakeze said...

Welcome to 2009. Happy New Year!

ManCee said...

Best punishment for you will be a hot geeky dude who you'll be absolutely into without reservation.
And the best part? He'll love you back...then all your griping wll suddenly become shallow