Monday, December 9, 2013

Don't Mess With My

It tickles me to no end when I hear that someone's wife or girlfriend feels threatened by me. I mean, do you lack that much self confidence? You looked all over and decided that the most asexual female around your man was the biggest threat.

The first time it happened, I'm not gonna lie, I was deliriously flattered. After years of being written off as one of the guys, some (hot!) chick thought I was serious competition...ho-hem-gee! I told everyone! I became an instant celebrity. Girls suddenly started talking to me...well, I started talking to them. We finally had something we could bond over. My current crush started looking at me in a new light. It was just so much fun! Then it became annoying. Of course he's on the webcam with me for hours. How else is he going to help me take apart my laptop and put it all back right? We're going HIKING and no, it is NOT a euphemism. You don't like to break into a sweat, and I need to take this park off my bucket list. Sit the fuck down. Which eventually she did. Her man made it clear I wasn't going anywhere and insisted she get to know me. Now we're great friends. No seriously, we talk almost everyday. (I'm awesome like that.)

The next time it happened, it wasn't so funny. This was a nine year friendship. He introduced her as his new girl and kept at me til I made her my friend. I liked her. Thought she was smart and good for my friend. Took her like a sister. She was my baby. So when her now husband told me she was not "comfortable" with our friendship, I laughed it off. Until she made a scene. And another. Then I endured two of the most stressful months in a year I would like to have never occurred. It was too much and I cut her off.

In the middle of those stressful months, some other crazy female decided that I was macking on her crush. Her CRUSH. Seriously?

The point of all this? Everyone just needs to chill. If you have self esteem issues, then you do not need to be in or be wanting a relationship. Yes, in some cases your insecurities are justified.Like if he'd informed you that you were option #2 (true story). But even then, your business is NEVER with the other women. Focus on your man. And if someone is macking on your crush, he's your crush. Last I checked, a crush is open season. If he likes you, he won't look at her. If he does, then move the fuck on. He either prefers her or doesn't really care how you feel about him with other girls. And for heaven's sake, please one and all keep me out of your fucking drama. Thanks. 

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