Friday, December 20, 2013


"Why you gotta be anonymous?" Bobby Valentino
I have a blog. And I have a twitter account. Neither are generally advertised. Neither are ever associated with my real self. Sadly, some supposedly well meaning people do not get this. Yeah, I've heard my tweets are funny and interesting. Also heard that I'm a decent writer. Thanks. You want other people to see this too. Thanks. But do they also need my personal history? Do they need to my name, date of birth, and matriculation number?
Privacy is very important to me. My job requires a level of decorum. I need a place of peace and tranquility where I can spout any and all. Yes, most of what I blog and tweet about are stuff I will and do say as my real self. But not in the same way, not with the same rank honesty.
My life is stressful. Self-imposed granted, but stressful all the same. I need my outlet. That I chose to share this outlet with you does not mean it is now for the public. I don't want followers. I don't want notoriety. I'm not looking for hits or likes or retweets. I just want to live. And blog. And tweet. Anonymously.
But then again, this has just taught me that no one is to be trusted. If I didn't want people to know who I was, I shouldn't have ever mentioned the existence of this site or my twitter handle to anyone.
I miss the days when people weren't even sure if I was male or female....


Mancee said...


Y'know I feel this way whaen I'm trying to share some story I had written with someone but dont want them to know my blog. I've got so much personal ish on there it is amazing.
I think I'm just gonna start another blog with more of the public 'me' and try to start again.
But then, I keep looking back at those 'master-pieces' (at least I think so)I had written.
I'll never forget the friends I did meet in real life though. Thinking about them, I wouldnt have had it any other way.


incoherent said...

as long as I have access to all your blogs Mancee I'm good.

and yes, I do love what I write on here but not even my twitter followers know about this blog.