Saturday, April 17, 2010

I miss my wifi

In a perfect world, I would totally be rocking my Touch. It's got awesome features including this one which allows me to type out a blog in my spare time and publish it directly without getting up from my bed.
I really miss that. Being able to check bank accounts, send and recieve emails and even chat on days when I'm too darn lazy to get out of bed, or turn on the computer and wait for it to start up. But those days are gone now. I no longer have a completely wired house allowing me to connect all my wifi enabled gadgets. I actually now have to get up from my very comfortable chair and then connect my laptop physically to the printer to print. Fucking hell!
Why do I have this problem? Well it's simple really, THERE IS NO FUCKING LIGHT IN FUCKING NIGERIA!!! Light Up Nigeria people. Everything else would be so bloody bearable if we just had light 24-7. Seriously. Think about it. Anyone who gives us uninterrupted power supply can get his dick sucked or constant cunnilingus (come on ladies we're not left out!) on demand. If that isn't sufficient motivation to get a move on, I don't know what is!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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