Monday, September 21, 2009

The Date That Never Was- a true story

My friend comes to visit. We had a fun weekend, then on sunday i take him to go visit his childhood friends. who are now engineers. we meet the first friend. yawn! boring! his subscription to popular science is waay more interesting. then another friend shows up. he comes in and they start "catching up". then i hear those magic words "how's the phd going".

now, i must pause and tell you that i'm an education whore. you know how other chicks gravitate towards fame and money? i LOVE education. smart people make me.....well you get it.

to make the pot sweeter, he's an engineer. (have i ever mentioned i have a THING for engineers?) bsc in electrical, masters in electrical/materials engineering. his ms thesis was in an area that spilled over into the industrial aspects of MY field. oh joy. i perked up. actually closed the magazine and joined the conversation. he plays tennis. cool. likes chess. correct. he hikes. (o God!) loves salsa dancing (O GOD!!). goes rock climbing (OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!) and wants to go sperlunking (yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!!!!)

..... and that, ladies and gentelmen was a mental orgasm :)

i collect his number. promptly text him. then i find out king tut's in town....well his tomb and stuff anyway. i call him up. we go. very nice. he pays for dinner. opens doors. does all those gentlemanly things. the exhibition was awesome. he decides to take me to this really cool club afterwards.

post date. ....yeah i have accepted that WAS a date. we're calling. texting. emailing. then he stops responding. call his phone, no reply. email, no response.

a month or two later he sends an email. apologising. sends new number. we start to talk again. finally he proposes we go catch a movie together. we agree to meet at the cinema. he never shows.


what u were you expecting? geez people the title already gave it all away.


Richinon said...

Ashawo! LOL!!!

Muse said...

Good heavens woman; the things that give you a mental orgasm would give a mental shut down!

wetin dey do dat guy sef?

incoherent said...

@ muse no mind am o!

ps u look nothing like i expected...

ziariz said...

He didn't show.....

Enny said...

he did not show... the nerve of the guy ... i should see him and give him a whooping