Monday, June 1, 2009

Blogger and the Lonely Soul

When one has a blog, one must constantly filter and assemble one's thought; deciding just how much to reveal of one's self to all mankind. In this day and age of self aggrandizement, the temptation is ever strong to want to put all out there. I have always sort of reveled in my privacy. i enjoyed mass anonymity on hi5. Coerced into joining facebook, I enjoyed anonymity there as well despite those idiots insistence that you register with your full name, school and location. Unfortunately, tagging was invented and out the window went the comfort that i could NOT be picked out of a lineup.

Then came blogging. Ah blogging. The latest in many frontiers. Here I have my anonymity back. I can spew whatever I want, be as incoherent as I please and no one knows who or what. You can see me at Silverbird, drink at Swe bar with me, or climb the Eiffel Tower together and you wont know me. You wont look at me weird n expect incoherence when I speak.

But you see, that leads back to the original question. Just because no one knows who you are, does that allow you to spew everything? Should blogspot become my journal? (They still sell those you know, at really good prices too). So why would I want a million unknown mostly insignificant people in on my innermost thoughts? But then if I'm not saying what I think? How I feel? What then? Why is it that more and more I want my feelings, my once private opinions and emotions to read and shared with all and sundry.

Sigh here I go again. Cant remember what my original point was. Oh well........

1 comment:

Muse said...

you see, my dear, each one of us, at some level, wants to let our thoughts out. It is only the fear of unknown reactions and the fear that without our deepest, darkest, most secret thoughts, we would be laid bare before humanity that keeps us from telling it all.