Monday, May 25, 2009

People Who Should Be Taken Out And Shot

1. people who wear SUNglasses indoors, at night, or in dark, smoky nightclubs (forget freakin' Usher it does NOT look cool!! and seriously, can you even SEE??!!)

2. drunks who figure it is their divine right to stagger to your door at 3 am and bang on it for over an hour

3. people who cut in front of you in traffic then get stuck because THERE WAS A REASON I WAS GOING SLOWLY IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU DUMBASS!!

4. double parkers on a fucking narrow-ass road

5. dog owners who dont see the need to clean up after their pet

6. heifers who have to be all up in your business and know better than YOU what happened to YOU that day.....

7. guys who do the same

8. people who spend 3 weeks abroad then acquire this infernal accent and tell me they can no longer pronounce their own name (really?? really??!!)

9. people who feel the need to tell me the EVERYTHING about a movie i stupidly mentioned that i was about to see (FUCKING DIE!! DIE!!!! Y WONT U DIE!!!!)

10. child abusers (be it sexual, verbal, emotional: you just dont take away that innocence damn u!!)

11. people who protect said child abusers

12. fuckers who insist on driving with their fucking full lights on. why do I have to suffer because your retarded ass is vitamin A deficient. bloody hell!! be continued

1 comment:

Muse said...

daumn girl! bring it down a notch. Anyways, no. 2 made me laugh.