Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President-Elect Barrack Hussein Obama

So people, history has been made. And I was HERE for it. Words cannot express what I felt when the news came through. It is still unbelievable to me.

Of course, the slave states voted overwhelmingly to keep my boy out of the WHITE house but he still got in. The moment he was announced the winner, local stations in a town in Texas shut down all programs discussing the elections. Preventing people without cable or CNN from viewing Obama's speech, or anything else to do with the election. Blatant racism? Lets leave that to them to answer.

I can only be grateful that America made the right choice. Obama is smart, an intellect, who rose up from the ranks; struggled without privilege to go to the same schools that Bush and his cronies got into courtesy of Daddy's big check to the school's fund. He understands what families go through what the common person lies awake in bed worrying about. Unlike so many politicians these days he has not lost touch with the REAL America. Those who live day to day praying that they or their kids don't fall sick because they have no health insurance. Who don't care about high school because its not like they can afford college right? Those who have to pay the same tax percentage as people making millions more than they are. Someone who abhors war and realizes you earn foreign respect by listening to them and learning their cultures instead of reminding them "Grecians" that you are "american" and have bigger guns than they have. And claiming that Iraq is the "enemy" even though it was admitted long ago that the facts supporting their "war" were heavily falsified. Thank God that squeaky voiced disgrace to the true strong modern woman was let nowhere near the White House.

I know we should not think of him as the 2008 Messiah. As he so eloquently (and God I do mean ELOQUENTLY!!!) pointed out last night, he is only human and is subject to error like anyone else. But his integrity, I hope remains untarnished. Thankfully, he's got Michelle (WHAT A WOMAN!!) to keep him in line. I don't think anything could go to that babe's head!

January 2009 is the beginning of a new year and a completely new era in the history of America.Black people have a new lease on life and they no longer have ANY excuse for slacking off. Every barrier possible has been broken. I hope to see more black intellectuals stepping up to the plate. Tired of being in the damn minority!!!!

1 comment:

Muse said...

Almost shed a tear (inspired, ofcourse, by Jesse Jackson) during Obama's speech.

Almost seems like the whole world lost it's mind!

Sure feels good to be alive in this moment of history.