Thursday, October 9, 2008

Daniel Powter - Bad Day

This week has shaped up to be the most awful I have had in a long time. My boo is out of commission, have to send him in for repairs (sniff sniff). My insurance company reduced me to tears last night. Today, I came home to meet a notice of pending eviction from my apartment complex for something I am not even guilty of. To top it off I'm not sure my job is as secure as I first thought. I am barely getting any more than 4 hours of sleep a night and I never feel like I am getting anything done despite this.

On the flipside, I left a prime parking spot to run some errands and came to meet it still empty. Plus, I got all the Buffy series on sale. Hey as bad as this week has been I gotta grasp at straws!!

And how has YOUR week been?

1 comment:

ibiluv said...

this too shall pass.......