Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oh Obama!

So now there's a book out there revealing Obama as a clandestine Muslim drug addict who sits through tirades about plans for a black coup d'etat and nods and takes notes.

Apparently, this guy is riding high on his successful undermining of John Kerry's presidential bid in 2004. Already his new book which has a mouthful of a name I don't care to keep in my head, is No 1! on the New York Times bestseller list. Isn't it kind of sad? Especially considering that a similar book written by the liberals on John McCain didn't even hit anything much less a list. (and I don't think its because it was badly written). Oprah didn't even mention it. In addition, the author of this book is CONFIDENT of vast monetary sponsorship and endorsements.

Forget Obama for the moment. Yes I'm a die hard fan, and I am plotting to get rid of that cute wife of his (that space in his bed is MINE bitch!!). But lets take a step back. I'm black (DUH! right?) and I live in the south. So it is very disturbing that such an inflammatory book is actually SELLING. He has gotten tons of interviews and of course Fox News Network is lapping it all up. It is not about Obama anymore. Buying such a book and giving such a man the time of day says something about America. And its something I don't like to hear (or read....). For African women, I guess the female trumps the black dude, but for me its being black. I do not exaggerate when I tell you that in the little town where I live, there are places I wouldn't venture to once its dark. Not cuz I'm female, or because its not safe, but simply because I'm black.

Maybe I'm overreacting...........


Freaksho said...

at the risk of sounding racist...the point of picking someone for office isnt based on is based on that person's competence to serve the nation in the best capacity possible. i personally find it hard to believe that there is a human being alive without fault and to a large extent, something to hide. in the end it comes down to picking the lesser of two evils.
as much as it would be really cool for the american people to finally embrace the notion of a black president, it would be a devastation to the black race as a whole if the first american president turns out to be a despot.
i say let Mr Obama be put through the fire. if he comes out on top, he stands above question.
i for one hope he wins.

tami said...

isnt audacity of ope the new book?
i really don't get the hype too...let the elections come and go

ibiluv said...

i think freaksho said it berra than i could have framed it..........

Yewande Atanda said...

Obama versus McCain, Abj Stadium, 29-9-2008.
gate: 1,000,000naira
ref: the genius, Madam Stock Exchange, PhD
VIP: IBB, Bode George, Fani-Kayode, Ladoja, etc.