Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Incoherently Speaking

Old post that I finally finished.

Woohoo! I have finally changed my blog address! in honour of this change, I figured I should commemorate this momentous event by finishing a post I have been working on since forever. Figured it's about time I attempted to summarise me:

Hi, I'm Incoherent Leigh. I'm a tomboy. Or so they say. I haven't worn a skirt since I left high school. My legs miss the Sun. All the women in my life try so hard. They buy me make up, jewellery, drag me to the salon. I am that girl who blithely leaves her house with her hair 3-days uncombed and flip flops on her feet. Once, I changed into my white tee, shorts, and (bathroom) slippers in the toilet at the reception venue of the wedding I had just attended. I was heading home, I didn't need to be dressed up to do that right? My morning regime takes me 20 minutes. Fifteen on the days I don't stop to moisturise. I love braids because they're just so low maintenance. you just get up, get dressed, and go. I never do weaves. What's the point of carrying hair you can't corn row and forget about?! I do like to dye my hair though. I am forever experimenting with colours. My hair suffers but oh well.

I'm a geek. Or so I've heard. I love video games. I hate sports but I love first person shooting, racing, fighter and adventure games. I'm team PlayStation. In fact, a proper Sony Stan. I love all genres of music other than country and blue grass. I love movies that make me laugh or think, or contain gratuitous acts of violence. I abhor chick flicks and romcoms. They're insulting. I read the romantic genre for a bit between the age of 4 and 6. Then I grew up. Moved on to Forsythe, Higgins, Ludlum. 
I love to read. Feel free to recommend books. It's been a while. I still watch cartoons. Love me some Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, and Legos. And utterly shameless about this love too. My greatest love is cake and all things decadent. Cake is awesome. So are Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Snickers, Twizzlers.....gawd! Top it off with ice cream and you have found my nirvana. I love food. Food is awesome. We were put on this earth to eat good food. I refuse to deny myself my earthly purpose!
I love science. Science is so bae.

Found this. Can’t remember what else I wanted to say. I guess I also used to believe in the greater good. Fighting for the underdog. Doing right by everyone. But I don’t care anymore. Something has finally broken and I do not believe it can ever be fixed. I don’t know. Anyway, this is me:


I can literally be summed up by five things

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