Monday, June 6, 2011

Quitters' Anonymous: First Meeting

hi, my name is incoherent and i am a quitter.

it didn't happen all at once. think it started years ago. when my first dream was cut down. i doggedly accepted the cards life had dealt me. and made no effort whatsoever to fight for what i wanted. i figured what had happened was meant to be. i resigned myself to fate. years later, i was presented with another opportunity to fulfill this dream. which, despite the years, the setbacks, the tears.....was still there. again, i met resistance. and again, i took the cowardly path of least resistance. and again, i trudged doggedly on. the initial plan was to use the means provided to somehow fuel the dream. but, that cowardly streak showed up (damn it to hell!). told me i couldnt do it. but i still wanted to be something. so i resolved to focus on what was in hand.

then suddenly, i. just. couldnt. do. it. not anymore. slowly, i began to shut down. stopped caring. the little things no longer gave me joy. my achievements past, present, and most importantly FUTURE no longer mattered. maybe because i no longer had any present ones. but the reason i no longer had any was because i just wasnt trying. rationally, i knew all this. but that evil voice that revels in my inactivity continued to whisper. and then boldly speak. now it shouts so loudly i cant hear anything else. and so, today, i officially give up. throw in the towel. there is nothing that can be done to salvage my lifes, my dreams, my goals.

hi, my name is incohrent, and i quit.


Muse said...


Anonymous said...

Quiting is just a symptom of a lack of motivation.
so the true question is "why arent you motivated?".. could it be you havent found your passion? inspiration? muse? or infatuation?
Trust me, soon as you have one of these, you'd b championing a cause like no other! face tatooed, armor on, and knife drawn as you forge ahead into the deeps of an uncertain future riding a beast you just tamed with your new found tenacity.
jeez i'm having fun! lol.. bye.

incoherent said...

@muse lmao. nutter

@anonymous u're having fun r u? pls comment more! n thanks for the advice. on it!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I used to feel the same way. Until I started thinking way out into my future, all the good things that I could make happen. and wa-la. I found sudden joy.

Daisy said...

At least you know your a quitter! Better to know than not know!! You cant get any worse, so start getting better! When you feel that you are quitting, tell yourself no! Keep on trying!! And dont lose hope!

ManCee said...

Is this about a boy. Again?

incoherent said...

MANCEEEEEE!!! where u been bro?! no, it is not a guy. promise!