Wednesday, December 8, 2010

16 Days of Activism

Starting November 25th of every year and ending on the 10th of December, activists all over the world celebrate something that has been dubbed "16 Days of Activism". It was started in 1991 and has since then been a period set aside to create awareness and come up with lasting solutions to the global problem of gender violence.

The first day- November 25 is the International Day of NO Violence Against Women. The last day -December 10 is Human Rights Day. In between these dates, December 1 is World AIDS Day, December 3 is the International Day for the Disabled and December 6th is the remembrance of the Montreal Massacre: in 1989, Marc Lepine entered the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal and killed 14 female engineering students and injured many others because "he hated feminists". On him, he had a list of prominent women in the Quebec area including the first female firefighter and a lament that "if he had acted sooner, they wouldn't be alive".

All over the world, organizations come together to plan events, give talks, have seminars and of course, write articles. My very own mini-me wrote this moving piece about a home in South Africa that caters to women who have suffered from any form of violence. From what I can see from this site, there is a lot going on in Southern Africa. And I am jealous! Because I did not see a similar site for Nigeria or even West Africa for that matter.

Given that our continent is ridden with wars where the majority of the casualties are women and children; now include the fact we are still under the thumb a lot of oppressive cultures and beliefs that completely subjugate and belittle women, what do you get? A very sad incoherent. I am as much to blame as the rest of my country (and region). I am so caught up in griping about my lack of electricity (which i STILL haven't had! 2nd straight month!). I have not stopped to bother about the million odd women around me who were not fortunate to have been allowed a voice or even a mind of their own. Women who are "grateful" to their beaters and rapists; those who sell them, trade them, dump them then do the same to their young children.

There is so much to be done. And I grow weary thinking of the battles we have yet to win. So I will just admit right now, I have no interest in feminism or all of that. For me, I need my country to get to the stage where we have a stable government with proper accountability. Without that, all the social ills I want to correct (don't get me started on the AIDS epidemic stats for Nigeria, or the state of.....well, EVERYTHING!) can only get so far. And nothing I get done will have a lasting effect without continuous, responsible leadership.

However, today's just the 8th, 16 days isn't over yet. I will do what I can the last 2 days and I do promise come November 25, 2011, I WILL play my part and I promise it won't be a small one (mimi-me it's your job to keeep me to that!).

PS: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE visit the links above. I hope something touches each and everyone of you and you DO something no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. The apathy that surrounds me depresses me and is threatening to drag me into its mire. I need hope. I need someone to stand with me; not tell me I'm whining or point out the little I've done. Stand with me. Give me the support to galvanize me into action. Or better still, do something and don't involve me. Leave me be on my soapbox. But once in a while, lemme know that you hear me. Thanks.